Lettre à mes amis éditeurs étrangers, avec qui j’ai eu le plaisir de travailler au sein du service de Vente de droits à l’international des Editions Milan et du groupe Bayard…
2020 has been an exceptional year in every aspect.
Let me forget the COVID for a while and let me tell you about my personal perspective. First and foremost, I turned 50th ! Secondly, I left behind 15 years of fascinating professional experience in the Publishing division of the Bayard Group. I finally carried out the project that I had been considering for quite a long time : to create my own professional photography practice.

This is undoubtedly an opportunity for me, in this page, to complete some farewells to my colleagues in the Bayard group. Also I want to greet all the fine people that I had the pleasure to work with for almost 15 years. My colleagues of the editorial and marketing departments of Milan Publishing until 2011. Then my colleagues and clients while I worked as a foreign right executive for the Bayard group. 2012 to 2020. I am remembering the remarkable persons I had the opportunity to meet and work with, beyond Paris and Toulouse. But also in Bologna, Frankfurt, Moscow, Warsaw, Oslo, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Budapest, Belgrade, Stockholm etc…. With the double pleasure of developing publishing projects, and engaging with great talents.
We shared some great moments together and let me thank you again very warmly and kindly in this page.
Caroline Fabre Photography
More importantly it is an opportunity for me to announce the creation of my new business : Caroline Fabre Photography.
As many of you have been aware, photography was my first passion as a teenager. And I had the chance to study Photography at the Ecole Nationale de la Photographie in Arles, in the 1990’. This passion remains intact. my Instagram account, to follow me, to comment, to give news. Please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be particularly happy to be able to contribute to your personal or professional success as a portrait photographer.
Vive l’année 2021 !
Take care !